Watercolour: Black Lace
Watercolour: Black Lace
Out and about

En plein air painting

Watercolour: Vanessa detail
Watercolour: Vanessa detail
Studies from the model

Painting from life

Watercolour: Dixter study
Watercolour: Dixter study
Dixter diaries

Studio studies

Oil painting: Asleep in the carriage
Oil painting: Asleep in the carriage

New subjects

This is a much smaller section of the portfolio at the moment and painting is an area that I'm hoping to develop in 2024.

Images from left to right above:
Black Lace: Watercolour
Vanessa the model: Watercolour
Great Dixter Peacock Garden studio study: watercolour
Asleep in the carriage: Oils

Watercolour: Self portrait
Watercolour: Self portrait
Watercolour: Self portrait 2
Watercolour: Self portrait 2
Watercolour: Study from the model
Watercolour: Study from the model
Acrylic study: It's that time of year
Acrylic study: It's that time of year
Oil study: Coach house window
Oil study: Coach house window
Watercolour: From the model 3
Watercolour: From the model 3

Self portraits and portraits
Miscellaneous watercolour studies

Watercolour: Familiar interior
Watercolour: Familiar interior

Windows series
It's that time of year - acrylic
on board
Familiar interior - watercolour
Coach house window - oil on paper